Victor Michael is currently looking to deepen their fantastic team. If you know anyone who would be interested in this please ask them to contact us at

Victor Michael is currently looking to deepen their fantastic team. If you know anyone who would be interested in this please ask them to contact us at

The average UK house price increased by 5.5% in the 12 months to February 2023, slowing from 6.5% in January 2023, the latest figures show.

The latest HomeLet rental index shows that UK average rental prices are continuing to rise after a previous drop in prices at the beginning of the year.

Interest rates in major economies are expected to fall in the future because of low productivity and ageing populations, according to a forecast.

A prominent estate agency says landlords and other property owners considering selling this spring must be realistic about asking prices.

With the current tax year due to end on the 5th of April 2023, many homeowners and property investors will be turning their attention to the 2023/24 tax year, which, following the ill-fated mini-budget and the Autumn Statement U-turn that followed, could be a little more complicated to navigate than in previous years.

Over the last couple of years, the Government has made several changes to how income and profits are taxed. Some of these will take effect from the new tax year on 6th April, with higher earners and those letting via a limited company most affected.

A new target date of 2028 for landlords to achieve an EPC C rating has been set by the Government, according to the Daily Telegraph.

When marketing a property for sale, the key is ensuring it reaches a broader audience to find the perfect buyer. The ideal solution is for the exposure of your property marketing to be comprehensive and wide enough to ensure that the maximum number of potential buyers can be found, resulting in a higher level of demand and, therefore, a higher value. This will lead to more viewings, offers, and higher sale prices - what every seller seeks.

Most of us do not think about our credit scores too often. We happily meander through life without giving it a second thought until we make a large purchase. Something that means we need to apply for finance of some kind, and it slowly dawns on us that we really should know our credit score. Whether it's for a credit card, car finance, or a mortgage, it all rests on that little credit score that you have, until this point, completely ignored.

Once you have a kitchen, dining room, living room, bedrooms and bathrooms, what else do large properties use their rooms for?? There comes a point when you run out of names for them all! Luxury properties will often have 'extra' rooms, over and above those that you would expect, and often it is these additional rooms that make us feel that a property is that little bit 'extra', setting it apart from the norm.