The property website said it has seen some improvements to squeezed supply levels this year.

Are you a tenant looking for an easy and cheap way to secure a rental? Or perhaps you’re a landlord pondering the best way to safeguard your property and income if your tenant causes problems. Either way, we’ll answer your most pressing questions regarding the zero deposit scheme so that you can move forward with confidence.

Are you trying to sell your home right now? Make sure you don't make any of these top mistakes that could reduce your chances of selling.

If you're about to put your home on the market, you might be considering ways to make a few changes here and there that will help guarantee a sale, particularly if you've already set your heart on a property to buy. Read more to see if you can use Feng Shui to hack your way to a speedy sale this summer.

The average tenant stays in the same property for around 2 or 3 years. But a lot can change in that time. If you've managed to keep the same tenants in your property for more than 2 years, have you considered whether the rental amount is still correct? Read this article to find out more.

We have somewhat of an obsession with buying property, getting our foot on the ladder and owning a little house of our own. But with rising living costs, interest rates and house prices, will this be possible for our children?

Homelessness charity says hundreds of thousands of people could be left unable to cover their rent and at risk of losing homes

The Bank of England has raised interest rates for a 13th consecutive time as it tries to stop prices rising so quickly.

The pace of rental growth cooled in May, with the average rent on a newly let home in Britain rising 9.1 per cent year-on-year.

The choice of mortgage deals on the market has fallen significantly over the past week, new figures show.

Are you trying to sell your home? Perhaps you have been on the market for a while and are beginning to feel frustrated at the lack of offers? Or maybe you had a timescale that you had hoped to be sold by, and that is hurtling towards you without a sale in sight? Follow these tips to sell your home this summer.

Did you try to cut costs when moving your tenant in, eschewing the option of an inventory? Or perhaps you found the tenant yourself and have never even heard of an inventory before? This article will explain why every rental property should have an inventory and why you could be in trouble if you don't.