How do you bag a rental in one of the busiest markets in years? Below are some top tips for making that home yours.

You've done the viewing and fallen in love with the property. You've weighed up all of the pros and cons, and after sleeping on it, finally decided to put in an offer. So, you mentally run through the phone call to the agents and how you think it'll go. And then, nervously, you make the call. But, it doesn't go quite as you'd planned. So, how can you make the most of the offering experience to ensure that your offers are taken seriously and, more importantly, get accepted!

As a tenant, you're always acutely aware that the property you live in doesn't actually belong to you. You're told not to hang pictures. Not to redecorate. So, when there are problems with the property, you'll call the landlord and let them know. This is their responsibility to sort out, not yours, as it's their property, right? But what should you be doing yourself as the tenant?

When looking to buy a property, you'll notice that estate agents use various terminology and jargon when listing the marketing price. What do they even mean? And how do these different phrases affect you when you're making offers?

Dreamy summer afternoons spent meandering through fields. Picnics of sandwiches made from freshly baked bread and homemade lemonade, eaten leisurely beside a babbling brook.

House price growth continued to climb in February, pushing average prices up by a further 1.7% against January and £29,000 over the last year, according to this morning's data from Nationwide.

When it comes to buying residential property, homebuyers divide into two camps: those who prefer the modern comforts of a new-build home and those who adore old houses.

If you are already a landlord, you will know about the endless rules and regulations you have to abide by. If you are not yet a landlord but are thinking about becoming one, this article will help keep you on the right side of the law!

Many property searchers consider the bathroom as a key selling point when buying a property. If the bathroom is a bit naff, it can certainly put a buyer off. So, what will make your bathroom capture the attention of buyers and keep those offers coming in?

After a long cold winter, the early spring flowers are finally shooting up from the ground. But as gardens begin to 'spring' back to life, things can start to look a bit untidy.

Technology can make our lives easier, complete tasks for us, or even just make us smile. It's possible to get gadgets for all manner of things. even the most technophobic of us can figure out how to use Bluetooth. So, what technology is available inside the home that can make your life easier?